« A new path for water » – Patrick Blethon on water industry, innovation and management

« Water is a global challenge. If we do not manage leaks, if we do not invest in networks, if we do not digitalize and if we don’t pay the right price for water globally, it’ll be difficult to make things change. (..) This is our mission water ».
In this episode, our speaker, Patrick Blethon, CEO of Group Saur, former President of OTIS and of United Technologies for Europe, Africa, Eastern Europe & CIS, discusses his professional journey. He tells us about the « mission water » that guided the transformation of the Saur company during the past years, explaining how strong management and technologies turned the French company into the international group it is today. He also shares his thoughts on the priorities for municipal and industrial markets, with a particular call to reinvest in water and innovation.
Patrick Blethon was interviewed on October 3rd, 2022 by (Re)sources President Patrice Fonlladosa.