
Alain Boinet is the founder of the humanitarian NGO Solidarités International. For 30 years, he was its Executive Director and today he is an honorary member of its Board of Directors. Solidarités International is involved in more than 20 countries with 2,400 staff, providing aid to approximately 5 million people.

of people at risk in conflit, disaster and epidemic situations, from emergency to development recovery.

It is particularly committed to access to drinking water and sanitation. He launched the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Barometer with Solidarités International which has just published its 8th edition in March 2022. He is a member of the Think Tank (Re)sources, of the Board of Directors of the French Water Partnership (FWP) and of the Veolia Foundation.

He is a member of the Humanitarian Consultation Group at the Crisis and Support Center of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. Within this framework, he actively contributes to the promotion of humanitarian aid, notably during the National Humanitarian Conference in Paris.

Alain Boinet is the founder of Défis Humanitaires, which publishes a monthly edition with the aim of promoting humanitarianism, innovation, access to water and sanitation, the link between geopolitics and humanitarianism, and to alert people to the major défis à relever.

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