
A graduate of the École de l'Air (79), the IEP in Strasbourg, the Air Warfare School in the United States and the NATO College, former auditor of the Institut des Hautes Études de la Défense Nationale and the Centre des Hautes Études Militaires, Emmanuel de Romémont, after a career as a fighter pilot and reconnaissance pilot during which he flew more than 3,000 hours, held various command positions in the French Air Force and in the joint forces. He left active service in 2015 with the rank of Lieutenant General. Two subjects in particular mobilize him: the convergence of knowledge, and the ability of human organizations to bridge the Think, Decide & Act gap.

Holder of a recent university degree in Meditation and Neurosciences (University of Strasbourg), he has formalized, through " the Intelligence Opérative™ "an innovative way of linking, with the support of the neurosciences, the design and formalization of any strategy with its operationalization, a concept that it implements in four areas: I/ the board (governance of complex and multidisciplinary projects in particular); II/ teaching and research (He has been teaching since 2009 on major international changes and leadership); III/ access to water in the most arid areas (he founded the More Water for the Sahel Initiative in 2018). which aims, in coordination with the actors concerned, at optimizing the level and transfer of knowledge on groundwater resources, particularly in the Sahel regions living below the minima defined by the WHO, and their management; IV/ The consolidation, preservation and regeneration of human potential (He is the founding president of Rend Fort TOP Teams www.rend-fort.comThe structure he set up during containment).