Nathalie Delapalme is currently Executive Director and Board Member of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation in London, which focuses on governance and leadership issues in Africa. She is also Co-Secretary General of the Africa Europe Foundation. From 2007 to 2010 she was Inspector General of Finance, where she led the RGPP (French Government Procurement Policy), the Public Development Aid and the AFD. From 2002 to 2007, she was advisor for Africa and development to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Dominique de Villepin, Michel Barnier, Philippe Douste-Blazy). She was also deputy director of the cabinet of the Minister of Cooperation(Jacques Godfrain), from 1995 to 1997. She spent part of her career in the Senate (1984-1995, then 1997-2002), mostly in the Finance Committee (monitoring in particular the Defense, Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, Environment, Research budgets). She also sits on the boards of IFRI, and ICG (International Crisis Group) and on the scientific council of IHEDN.